
Buy KTO (Kounotori) profitably on P2B

Despite the fact that Japan is not the largest state on the planet, the Japanese economy ranks 3rd in the world and continues to develop dynamically. Crypto projects appearing in the Land of the Rising Sun are no less successful. According to the official version, the creator of bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto was born in Japan. In this article, P2B experts are going to talk about another promising Japanese crypto project. Today we will talk about Kounotori

Profile KTO

Kounotori (KTO) is an ERC-20 cryptocurrency. The release of the token took place at the end of 2021 on the Ethereum network. The concept of the project is a distinctive feature. Its developers claim that this is a completely autonomous cryptocurrency that is able to take financial care not only of itself but also of its holders. The idea is realized by increasing the amount of rewards to users as quotes grow and by the ability to self-heal in case of unforeseen failures.

Developers have integrated a number of functions into the contract to protect against unauthorized manipulations, including the maximum purchase/sale amount for each transaction, and the storage limit on one wallet.


Buy KTO (Kounotori) profitably on P2B

Redistribution strategy

Security is guaranteed by the ERC-20, ETH, and Gnosis Safe 4/5 protocols (the so-called multi-signature)
A thoughtful concept. Liquidity is linked to Unicrypt, increasing rewards to users as quotes rise
Complete decentralization. Transactions take place exclusively between users; there are no regulators, intermediaries, and controllers within the system
When interacting, counterparties do not see each other's data; thus, they have an opportunity to conduct transactions incognito. High investment attractiveness. The concept assumes a systematic growth of quotes
The ability to arbitrarily adjust slippage. The option is available in the wallet; developers recommend setting the value within 11-13%
High investment attractiveness. The concept assumes a systematic growth of quotes

Roadmap and Tokenomics

After having developed the concept, the team set up social media accounts and worked out marketing. After that, the site was launched, contracts were conducted and verified, and its own betting platform was developed. Already at this stage, more than 10K holders appeared in the project; the token was listed on exchanges and trackers. Nowadays, the number of users has already exceeded 50,000 and continues to grow steadily, along with quotes, by the way.

The total volume of the offer is 1,000,000,000,000,000 (1 quadrillion of KTO). Almost half of this amount (50.5%) will be used to provide liquidity, 9.5% is reserved for the team, and 40.5% is planned to be burned.

Features of KTO

The project implemented an LP redistribution strategy, thanks to which the stock is successfully maintained. The transaction limit upon starting is 0.2% of the total offer; the maximum amount of funds on the wallet is 0.5% of the total offer value. Upon reaching a total market capitalization of $50,000,000, the maximum amount held in the wallet will increase to 1% of the total offer value.

Developers kept control over the contract for the scalability of the transaction tax, but this did not affect the decentralization of the system itself; it remained free from regulation and control.

Buy KTO (Kounotori) profitably on P2B

Quite many specialized exchanges are developing on the global crypto market. P2B is one of the top ones. The platform has been successfully developing for more than 4 years, having an impeccable reputation in all respects. The platform catalog contains more than 200 fiat and cryptographic currencies, and the average daily trading volume reaches $1.4 billion.

P2B offers unprecedented favorable conditions for all transactions with KTO and guarantees their complete safety (all cryptocurrencies are stored in cold wallets, and the exchange itself operates according to the OWASP security standard. The exchange has also developed a referral program that has successfully operated till nowadays. According to the program, referrers have the opportunity to earn up to 15% of the turnover of their referrals.