
DBA (Digital Bank of Africa)

Currently, there are a lot of unique blockchain-based projects and cryptocurrencies that open up advantageous opportunities for both experienced investors and beginners who are taking their first steps in the crypto world. DBA tokens provided by DafriBank are one of them, but this cryptocurrency has some exclusive features. Let us introduce this digital currency to you and describe its distinctive characteristics.

About Digital Bank of Africa

Digital Bank of Africa (or Dafribank) is one of the biggest financial organizations in the world. This company has a strong aim to help in solving a great problem that digital and micro-entrepreneurs are especially familiar with.

People working almost in any industry still suffer from various payment troubles. Dafribank has developed a new approach enabling to simplify the payment system and help businesses of many types to scale without the need to bypass numerous barriers. As a result, nothing prevents a business from growing, and the available resources can be used in a more efficient way.

Digitalization is a global trend that is impossible to ignore. Unfortunately, traditional banks of any country lag behind the demands of modern businessmen and contain the growth of their companies. This is exactly why the digital-oriented policy of the African Bank is needed worldwide. Despite the name, the organization successfully provides its services to over 200,000 customers from 180+ countries. This institution is a member of the DafriGroup PLC family and it is registered in South Africa, Nigeria, and Botswana.

DBA (Digital Bank of Africa)

Investment tool

No surprise charges on your transactions; everything is in plain sight
Keeping your money and personal details safe and secure is our biggest priority
Pay Bills
Pay for different kinds of bills from the comfort of your home or on your way to work
Manage Money
Get instant notification for all your transactions the second they happen
Personal Account
Easy movement of funds for traders
Business Account
Movement of funds for brokerage

How Dafribank works

This organization provides convenient payment services to merchants, private entrepreneurs, companies as well as the general public using its automated platform. The major reason why so many people in the world have chosen this system is the ability to avoid payment limitations posed by traditional banks. As a result, business owners receive full control over their money. Besides, they get an opportunity to send and receive payments freely.

There are several useful features that are offered by Dafribank for business, for example, a quick payment platform and advanced security system that reliably protects money flow. These are essential elements needed for boosting the development of customer enterprises and increasing their efficiency.DBA Dafribank

Dafribank provides avenues for integrating AI, IoT, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and other technologies that help the global financial sector to develop meeting the demands and requests of modern digital-oriented customers. In addition, the Digital Bank of Africa offers debit cards, private banking, merchant APi, and DBA currency. The latter also can be used as an investment tool or for crypto trading.

Cryptocurrency situation in Africa

The major source of DBA token inspiration is the history of Africa. This part of the world already missed three Industrial Revolutions, and this time the continent is going to catch up and take its pride of place on the global stage. That is why the Dafribank token is paid particular attention, the development of this cryptocurrency is a project of national importance.

It is interesting that, according to the Google Trends statistics, Africa-related crypto searches have been holding leading positions in the global TOP-20 countries. Using cryptos here is an issue of survival for local residents to avoid strong financial limitations. But not only locals can benefit from digital coins, you also have an opportunity to join the growing trend.

Africa is known for financial decentralization and inclusion. It needs blockchain-powered solutions and cryptocurrencies even more than the others, so no wonder that exactly this continent was able to surprise the rest of the world. The fourth Industrial Revolution gave us the DBA token that has the potential of turning into a new Bitcoin at the international level.


What are DBA tokens?

In 2020, Dafribank was announced to receive an investment equivalent to $5 million dollars with an ability to transfer money between more than 180 countries. This organization uses blockchain- and cryptocurrency-based technologies enabling limitless international and home payments, that is why this digital bank has a huge potential. It opens up new business opportunities and solves Africa's biggest problem at the same time.

DBA tokens are key powering units in the new financial system. This cryptocurrency is expected to reach for an elite status of the African #1 digital currency in the nearest future due to a growing range of cases in which this crypto is irreplaceable.

Looking back over the last 3 years, we can see a huge number of ‘empty' cryptocurrencies. This means some newly introduced tokens that actually don't have any real application. Experts suggest many people buy DBA, since this cryptocurrency was developed exactly to become a full-fledged alternative to fiat money.

DBA tokenomics

The DBA cryptocurrency was designed right for the Dafribank ecosystem to optimize banking processes, over time, the token was turned into a governance element of the institution. Currently, it is widely used by most DafriGroup's partners and branch companies. The more usages crypto has, the stronger its position.

Here is some DBA tokenomics info:

  • initial DBA price: $0.01 per token;
  • token type: ERC-20;
  • max DBA supply: 100 million tokens;
  • burning: yes;
  • 70 %: token sale;
  • 10 %: exchange listing;
  • 10 %: reserve of Dafribank;
  • 10 %: marketing and liquidity pool.

The tokens can be used not only to influence bank's decisions and collateralize DBA for earning interest, but also as a tool for long-term investing or crypto trading.

How to buy DBA?

You can buy DBA on such cryptocurrency exchanges as ProBit Global, LBank, Hotbit, and P2B. DBA is traded in pairs with BTC, ETH, ZAR, USDT, NGN, and USDC.

The simplest way to purchase DBA for a good price is by visiting the P2B exchange. All you need is to have an account on this website. Join our crypto family, trade cryptocurrencies, participate in our referral program, and earn more money!