
What is Tether USDT?

If you want to store your savings not only in fiat money but in crypto as well, you might have wanted to buy USDT with credit card. If you check the USDT news, you know that this token has impressive potential and its daily trading volume is comparable to that of BTC. The algorithm of defining the USDT crypto price is genuinely transparent since it is pegged to the American dollar.

What is Tether

The Tether token was launched in 2014 in Hongkong, by an organization of the same name. Since it a stablecoin, Tether cryptocurrency price does not fluctuate. As soon as the founder organization emits a new batch of tokens, it replenishes its cash reserves with an identical amount of dollars. However, no outside entity has ever carried out an audit of these supplies — and this is probably the main weak point of the project that its critics are able to point at. USDT Tether lacks a blockchain of its own and relies on third-party infrastructure instead — namely, that of BTC, BTCH, ETH, EOS, TRX and ALGO. Users can freely and independently send this token to each other without third-party intermediaries, which accelerates the process and eliminates the necessity to pay fees to facilitators. If you check Tether crypto news, you would realize that using this token is more reasonable than resorting to the conventional dollar.

What is Tether USDT?

Arguments of purchasing Tether on P2B

License in Europe
The platform was licensed in Europe, which means all the transactions are entirely transparent.
Buy with card
You may buy USDT with debit or credit card. Check the page "Buy crypto" for the details.
96% of all currencies, including Tether, are stored on cold wallets so that hackers can not get hold of them.
Even if you want to acquire large amounts, there would be always enough TetherUS supply.
Available on trades
The project features over 700 trading pairs and its community counts over 300 000 happy customers.
Users Support
If one has questions regarding TetherUS or any other aspects of the trade, the multilingual support would be eager to sort them out 24/7.

USDT Tether news and statistics

At the moment of gathering these statistics, the Tether coin value on Coinmarketcap reached $0,999388. Among all the cryptocurrencies listed on this platform, TetherUS ranked no.4, which is an impressive result. The circulating supply of the USDT crypto equaled 20 394 567 134 coins, while the total supply equaled 20 733 323 926 coins. The TetherUS maximum supply remains unknown but it should be limited by the cash reserves of the founder company. Neither do the founders disclose their plans regarding the emission. USDT Tether was traded in around 9000 market pairs against diverse cryptocurrencies, stablecoins and fiat currencies — if we consider only those where the daily trading volume surpassed $1. Those who would like to purchase crypto USDT in large amounts should visit the subsequent exchanges: CITEX, Binance, EtherFlyer, Bidesk, Bitribe, HBTC and Huobi. However, one might want to consider the P2B centralized exchange too.

5 reasons to buy TetherUS

Tether USDT buy

Both seasoned investors and newbies eagerly invest in the USDT cryptocurrency for the subsequent reasons:

  1. Since Tether is a stablecoin, the USDT Tether price is subject only to minimal fluctuations. With this cryptocurrency, it is impossible to lose large funds due to market speculations.
  2. One can acquire Tether cryptocurrency on nearly any exchange, on more or less equal conditions.
  3. If the rules of a certain platform prohibit the usage of the corresponding fiat currency, one can effortlessly substitute it with USDT Tether.
  4. For projects that are just starting to embrace cryptocurrency, Tether serves as a convenient entry point. They can convert their fiat saving to this stablecoin and keep it as they reserve — and they do not need to be geeks for that.
  5. TetherUS can be easily integrated into other cryptocurrencies and wallets.

Hopefully, these facts sounded convincing enough to encourage you to purchase TetherUS on a reliable exchange.

How to receive passive income on P2B

Stablecoin USDT price

To generate profit on this platform, it is not necessary to make transactions with Tether or other currencies. All you need to do is to spread the word about this trading project among your friends, colleagues, family members and acquaintances. For instance, you can share Tether coin news with them and describe to them the benefits of this token to encourage them to join the crypto community.

You will start receiving passive income immediately after they create an account on this site using your unique invitation link. Feel free to generate this link in your user profile, it would take just a few seconds.

As soon as one of the individuals whom you invited to the platform makes a transaction, the system will send you a commission. The more people you invite, the more money you make. Your peers can also generate their individual links and invite new users to the platform — and then receive passive income for expanding the site's customer base.

Conclusion about Tether cryptocurrency

USDT price

The Tether stablecoin serves as an efficient intermediary between the world of cryptocurrencies and fiat money. More and more users get attracted to it knowing that the Tether coin price does not fluctuate and there would be no risk of losing their savings due to market manipulations. The Tether USDT news is likely to remain positive in the long run. You might want to acquire this stablecoin at the P2B trading platform since it offers excellent security guarantees and there would always be a sufficient supply of this token on sale. Plus, this site allows its users to receive passive income thanks to a referral program — that is, make money by inviting new customers to the system.