Be Careful—Number of Scams Has Risen

In May 2023, we got to the CMC top 20. Regarding this, customers face scams more and more since fraudsters try to sell services on our behalf.
Verify your contact
We strive to provide our customers with a high level of security both for projects and users since we always care for the quality and safety of the services our crypto exchange offers. According to the С rating, one of the most reliable independent crypto rating sources, the P2B security rating is AA, with an 88.30% security score. To provide a high level of transparency, protect your crypto project from scams, and prevent funds losses, we offer you to use possibilities designed for your security—verification link.
If you have noticed suspicious activities, please contact our support team or an official exchange representative to help you confirm that an account is official or identify a scam.
Mind the ways to scam
The crypto market develops day by day while scamming schemes also develop and adapt to changes. To protect crypto projects on our platform and their communities, we have prepared an extensive guide about scamming schemas around exchanges.
Stay tuned and explore crypto opportunities safely with P2B!