5 Steps for Successful Listing on Crypto Exchanges

Crypto Listing is a difficult process—even more so regarding preparations than listing properly. Covering all the requirements may take a lot of time, especially if you want to deliver your cryptocurrency to a big exchange. Even if a company has enough capital and risk appetite to try it, approval is never guaranteed.
Many companies claim to get their clients on cryptocurrency exchanges with a 99% success rate. However, you should understand that these companies are just middlemen, and they do not make the final decision. Such a form of cooperation can help prepare all the documents appropriately, but the crypto project team is always the main responsibility.
That’s why it is important to research and analyze what happens at every step. Below, we will review five main steps that must be taken for a successful listing.
Step # 1: Prepare your community for a crypto project
Listing creates an opportunity for users who want to buy cryptocurrency. They consider it an investment, especially if the project is new and looks promising. They buy tokens and hold them, expecting the price to rise sooner or later.
Every new exchange crypto is a new opportunity. It brings more customers and more media attention to a project. However, the main objective of this operation is fundraising. Cryptocurrencies need to be sold to make listing a financially viable business process.
That’s why every new inclusion in a crypto exchange must come with a promotion campaign. It is important to get users to know that the token will become more available and widespread.
How to build a community for the best crypto exchange listing
The preparation of the community consists of two main stages:
- announcing current holders;
- promoting a crypto project targeting a potential audience.
The first stage is the easy one. Crypto projects simply use social channels to inform current investors about upcoming events. This only takes a few resources since most of your community usually opt-in by themselves. All the crypto project team needs to do is just keep their holders in the loop.
The promotional campaign is the expensive part, but it is significant. One of the purposes of the listing is to attract new audiences and funds. A company should use all available and well-targeted channels of promotion. Mid-sized exchanges assist with promotional banners on the website and announcements for their social media communities. In the case of big exchanges, for example, Binance or HitBTC, all kinds of advertising will cost an extra amount.
Step #2: Choose your crypto exchange
So, what is a crypto exchange? A crypto exchange is a platform listing tokens and coins to make them available to be bought and sold. Looking for the best crypto exchange by volume? You can find the best crypto exchange ranking on CoinMarketCap. Here, you can find out the crypto exchange volume, market cap, price, and circulating supply of centralized or decentralized exchange crypto.
There are two types of crypto exchanges: DEX (decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges) and CEX (centralized cryptocurrency exchanges). The first type is a blockchain platform that keeps records of transactions in different cryptocurrencies. Such platforms are easy to access. Their commission is affordable even for small-cap projects, and all verifications are conducted automatically. The only requirement is that a token has to be capable of procuring transactions. That’s why it’s easy to cover almost all DEXes quickly. The best decentralized crypto exchange for new assets is PancakeSwap. While looking for the best DEX, visit the CoinMarketCap platform and view crypto exchange rates.
Token listing on CEX
As for centralized crypto exchanges, there will be a completely different process. Every project should aim to cover as many platforms as possible, but listing on a centralized exchange usually comes with a vast amount of expenses. That’s why you should choose wisely.
After this step is taken, the project team should have a complete list of exchanges they are going to apply to. It is important to note that listing is a process that must be supported. Every inclusion must be planned. Smaller exchanges will be the first in the queue, and the project should aim to hit a bigger platform every time.
If you are looking for the most reliable platforms for your token without charging crypto exchange fees, pay attention to KuCoin, Crypto.com Exchange, Phemex, Digitex, Lykke, and others.
What to do after you’ve applied for a token listing on the best crypto exchanges
Whether your crypto project is respectable or not, common actions after the application for a crypto exchange stay similar for different projects with diverse purpose audiences and minimal viable products. Let’s consider the main stages and what you must pass after applying for the best crypto exchange.
How to list my token successfully?
The best exchange for crypto chooses crypto projects that are in the limelight of the crypto community. A crypto project should push up its token while sharing updates regularly. You can choose social media, including Twitter, Telegram, and other media, including GitHub, Medium, and official blogs.
Embed native ecosystems
A crypto exchange lists tokens that have compatibility with the exchange’s in-house chain. Tokens designed on the BEP-20 token standard will probably be listed on Binance faster than tokens designed on other blockchains.
Other crypto exchanges list tokens designed on other blockchains. You can choose a decentralized crypto exchange that works with other networks. For instance, the P2B exchange offers crypto projects 24 networks:
- ERC20
- BEP20
- Polygon
- Solana
- Omni
- Waves
- Stellar
- Fantom
- Algorand
- Cardano
- BEP2
- Radix
- Klaytn
- Ripple
- Hedera
- Bitgert
- Nem
- Avalanche
- Koisan
It’s also expected to list tokens on new networks, including Arbitrum and Optimism.
Extend a crypto community
Building a strong crypto community is a very important stage when you have decided to list a token on a cryptocurrency exchange. It’s no less important to support your crypto community and extend it after you have applied for a listing on a top crypto exchange. You should attract the interest of new investors and make a strong pre-listing campaign for your crypto project.
Wait until your application is approved
Binance, the safest crypto exchange, doesn’t stop considering applications received from breakthrough and promising crypto projects—every crypto project tries its luck. The most secure crypto exchange wastes a lot of time investigating the crypto project’s minimum viable product, its liquidity, roadmap, team, and success before it’s listed on the crypto exchange.
Crypto exchanges advise young crypto projects to work on boosting their projects regardless of whether they are being chosen or not. Exchanges look through older applications and can choose a crypto project that applied for the listing earlier.
Owners of the crypto projects shouldn’t reach out personally to the officials and owners of the crypto exchanges for updates on the approval status.
Step #3: Find reliable partners
Listing is a special procedure that requires technical and legal support. The team usually focuses on the project, trying to provide the best service, the fastest transactions, or the most secure digital wallets. All of this makes sense, but legal matters also count. Exchanges do not want to get a lawsuit for every new token they accept. This especially affects exchanges that operate with regular money.
List your token on the reliable exchanges
Startups usually do not have much legal experience. That is why they need reliable partners for a successful listing. There are plenty of legal companies and lawyers specializing in the blockchain niche. Their service will be quite helpful if the project does not have a legal department.
Working with intermediaries is unavoidable if we are talking about top cryptocurrency exchanges. These platforms do not bother to contact every applying project personally. They delegate these matters to their partners, which means an additional commission. Sometimes it’s the only way to contact a big platform. As mentioned before, listing on top exchanges is quite expensive.
Step #4: Pass due diligence
Due diligence is the verification of every project component. Exchanges must make sure that a token is technically and legally acceptable. Some of them charge extra commission for that work. In some cases, exchanges oblige the project team to pay for due diligence only if the token has been denied. Otherwise, they just get some percentage from sales.
The more successful an exchange is, the more thoroughly it processes due diligence.
If a crypto project paid all the commissions and fulfilled all the requirements, it’s not guaranteed that your token will be listed on the crypto exchange. Most platforms explain the reasons for denial, so the crypto startup can prepare better for the next try.
Due diligence procedure on the best crypto exchanges
This procedure starts with verifying the data provided by the crypto project team. Initially, you should fill out the form to contact a crypto exchange. Platform representatives check all the available information and often request additional information.
Due diligence implies providing all the available documentation. It should be prepared accurately and by the crypto exchange’s rules. You should just wait for the decision or additional requests. This process usually takes up to a couple of weeks. If it ends with approval, exchange representatives declare the listing conditions, and the token quickly appears on the platform, open for trading.
Step #5: Keep your project in the public eye
Listing is not a one-time shot. It is a long campaign that covers as many platforms as possible. It ends when your project has great success that exchanges start to contact you, asking for a listing. Until then, your promotion campaign should never end, even if your token is already listed on several crypto exchanges and is going strong.
Post-listing campaign after a token is listed
Big platforms tend to discard the coins that do not have enough daily volume to remain profitable—and being deleted from an exchange greatly damages reputation. That’s why a post-listing campaign is significant. The team must keep their crypto project in the public eye to support active trading and attract new traders. You can achieve this while using different promotion ways, starting with advertising and ending with enhancing the liquidity of your crypto project. The most significant thing is ongoing development and improvement. Listing is a good way to raise funds and make it possible.