Crypto news 2023 cryptocurrency exchange P2B

Reasons to launch your token during the crypto crisis

Reasons to launch your token during the crypto crisis

  • Beginner
17 Nov 2022
1 m

The crypto market drop may frighten investors and new projects preparing to hit the market, but everything becomes not so black`n`white upon closer observation. The current market stage is a “bear” stage when all is going down, and a pessimistic mood prevails. But you may not be aware that it’s not the first drop in the crypto market. It’s a part of the cycle that never holds too long.

You can use the benefits of the bear stage to launch your project and get into the market more accessible than during a bull market stage. The previous crisis in 2021 would kill the market if it proceeded longer. Our current situation is less severe than last year, and this crisis is not the first one, so we encourage you to take action!

These are the outcomes of P2B research of 2,000+crypto projects from the top 100 global exchanges for the last five years. Check out more about our study down below: 

Download file — Reasons to launch your token during the crypto crisis

P2B research 2022

Download file — Reasons to launch your token during the crypto crisis

If you have any questions, contact our managers to clarify things that matter for your project.


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