Crypto news 2023 cryptocurrency exchange P2B

Meta Space 2045 (MTW) has been listed on P2B

Meta Space 2045 (MTW) has been listed on P2B

10 Nov 2022

MTW is available for trading on our exchange.
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MetaSpace2045 is a DAO-based Game-Fi storytelling metaverse ecosystem built on the WEB 3.0 concept and NFT+DAO+GameFi, and aims to maximize the participation and entertainment of metaverse users through the distribution of M2045 tokens. The MetaSpace2045 integrates digital collection (NFT) with all content IPs in the metaverse and combines the benefits of DeFi and NFT to empower Metaverse users by using innovative distributed financing and gaming mechanisms. They call it MetaSpace 2045, and we build a Metaverse ecosystem.

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