Crypto news 2023 cryptocurrency exchange P2B

Increase Your Productivity with Aequinox 

Increase Your Productivity with Aequinox 

23 Oct 2022

What is Aequinox?

Aequinox Dex is a community-driven decentralized exchange that supports multi-token and weighted pools, automated portfolio management, liquidity deepening and oracle data price sensing on the Binance Smart Chain. It allows for the creation of bespoke crypto indexes of up to 8 tokens, while optimizing yield farming and liquidity mining potential with a ve- gauge voting system.

Aequinox Balancer Pools contain two or more tokens that traders can swap between. Liquidity Providers put their tokens in the pools in order to collect swap fees.

Aequinox adopts powerful features to slash gas costs, super-charge capital efficiency, unlock arbitrage with zero-token starting capital, and open the door to custom AMMs.

What is the main goal and vision of this project?

Aequinox aims to become the predominant decentralized exchange on Binance Smart Chain that can support large swaps for stablecoins and commonly traded pairs with very low slippage and fees.

The Aequinox will eventually evolve into a full-suite trading platform without the need for centralized or custodial holdings. Features that we are looking to integrate include a long/short platform, portfolio tracking system, alerts for things like overleveraged positions or stop losses, and various other advanced trader utilities.

The idea is to allow for entry to decentralized crypto investment to be as close to zero-knowledge as possible, while still having the option for more advanced traders to execute specific strategies using the tools available right on the Aequinox itself.

Unique pool types for limitless flexibility

  • Oracle Weighted – adjust the ratio of tokens according to which you would like to hold more of, while still earning liquidity provider fees.
  • Stable Math – hardcoded math that ensures price stability regardless of liquidity.
  • Multi-Token – create liquidity pools with up to 8 tokens and earn liquidity provider fees while holding a variety of crypto assets.
  • Liquidity Bootstrapping – build on our platform with lower initial capital requirements that scale into higher liquidity across time.
  • Smart Permissionless – create liquidity pools with their own internal logic that act as trustless asset managers.

How to make money with Aequinox?

  1. Liquidity mining and earning AEQ emissions
    The first and primary way to earn yield is to provide liquidity in any of the liquidity pools. By depositing an investment into a liquidity pool, the Aequinox will automatically form the Aequinox Pool Tokens (APTs) within the smart contract that represents your share of that pool. So as the size of the liquidity pool grows over time due to trading fees, your share of the pool is worth more. This is known as liquidity mining.
  2. Stake your AEQ-BNB APT tokens in the Aequinox Dynamo
    As an additional yield farming layer, you can provide liquidity for the main AEQ token pairing AEQ-WBNB, and then lock them for varying time frames (14/30/60/90/365 days) in the Aequinox Dynamo. You will receive veAEQ tokens when you do this. The longer you lock and the more APT tokens you lock, the more veAEQ you get.
  3. Create a self-balancing crypto index
    For more advanced investors who wish to hold a variety of crypto tokens in their portfolio, you may choose to create your own weighted crypto index fund (eg. 20% BTC, 30% ETH, 10% BNB, 40% USDC).
    Doing this on the Aequinox DEX means you will not need to pay a portfolio manager to manage the fund for you, as the market will rebalance it naturally through incentivized arbitrage opportunities.
    Additionally, because your self-governed crypto index fund is in the form of a multi-token APT, you will be receiving liquidity mining rewards at the same time.


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