XDX has been listed on P2PB2B

XDX is available for trading on our exchange.
D.P. Monks Finance aims to take advantage of the use of Blockchain technology more than just a growing value of tokens to trade but as a company act as a bridge to bring in new people to the global crypto community where they can feel safe and secure using our projects and make a profit along the way.
The company aims to do that by initially creating its own cryptocurrency (XDX) that will serve to provide additional utility on the platform/s and application/s that will be built, and/or designed by D. P. Monks Finance Ltd.
Learn more about the project:
?Website: dpmonksfinance.com/
?Twitter: twitter.com/DPMonksFinance?s=20&t=NbaaPVVhz19o1hAjsURxBA