Welcome to NuID & Kii

What is NuID?
Trustless Authentication for Trusted Identity powered by NuID & Kii, supported by The Kii Foundation.
The NuID mission is to empower all users of the internet to take ownership and control of their online identities. Founded in 2017, NuID is a pioneer in decentralized identity and authentication solutions. The company is known for building a trustless authentication protocol which leverages zero knowledge proofs and distributed ledger technology, such that services that implement the NuID auth solution can eliminate the risk of a credential breach.
NuID has built upon their existing solution to launch development of the Nu Identity Ecosystem, underpinned by the token Kii. This ecosystem will enable portable user-owned identity and release individuals and services from the limitations of the current identity and authentication model.
The problem of digital identity
Identity on the web today is broken because authentication is broken. The current identity model is both centralized and fragmented: centralized by services each holding large silos of user identity data and fragmented with users having to separately create identity profiles across every service they interact with. When a silo is compromised, all of the users within are compromised and each credential theft resulting from a silo’s security breach enables the next security breach, mass credential theft, and an inevitable perpetual cycle. The current state of authentication and digital identity prohibits users from having ownership and control over their own identity online.
NuID’s Solution
Trusted digital identity requires a rock-solid authentication core. NuID is building a new digital identity paradigm through trustless authentication for services and a portable, device- agnostic identity model for all web users. Individuals will be represented by their zero-knowledge authentication credentials stored on a public blockchain; services will deploy NuID’s trustless authentication solution. The interaction between individuals and services will develop a robust NuID identity ecosystem that will make the Internet more secure, return data ownership to individuals, and free everyone from the limitations of the current authentication model. Kii is the transactional utility token at the root of the Nu identity ecosystem. Demand for Kii is driven by services that use it to l register their users with NuID authentication credentials and future identity use cases in the NuID ecosystem.
KII Token
NuID is launching a utility token, Kii, in partnership with The Kii Foundation. Kii will underpin transactions between sovereign identities in the broader NuID decentralized Identity Ecosystem, and serve to incentivize upholding the KiiChain, an optimized ledger for authentication credential data, which is in development.
Additional demand for Kii will come from the identity use-cases within the NuID ecosystem, including (but not limited to):
KYC and identity verification, certificate and attestation issuance, healthcare and vaccination records, digitized assets, education credentials, decentralized data storage, PII verification and validation, peer-to-peer identity services, and other verified claim sources.
There will exist a limited supply of Kii. The token is divisible like Bitcoin, therefore if its value changes, the amount of Kii required for transactions will fluctuate accordingly.
The purpose of the Tokens is to use it for services offered by NuID & The Kii Foundation and within NuID’s open Nu Identity Ecosystem.
The Kii Foundation
The Kii Foundation supports the identity utility token Kii and the future KiiChain. The Kii Foundation does not seek to control Kii, only to foster Kii’s advancements and the broader decentralized identity ecosystem it underpins.
Kii will underpin the Nu Identity Ecosystem based on NuID’s live zero knowledge trustless authentication protocol. Kii is an ERC20 token and will later migrate to be the native token for the KiiChain, an identity optimized persistence ledger for public reference parameters and attestation data.