VXLDollar has been listed on P2PB2B
VXLD is available on our exchange.
The VXL Network’s ecosystem and its fintech dapps include the world’s most advanced electronic remittance, payments, and processing technology to roll out the future for stable coins globally.
VXLD is a stablecoin, which is currently backed by nickel wire isotopes which are held by the security firm, Transguard Group in United Arab Emirates. It can be used for money transfers and for other utilities on VXL DOLLAR platform, as well as on the application for Metaverse, Swap and NFT. It is bringing real world currency to the blockchain, providing global liquidity, financial freedom, and stability in volatile markets across the world.
Learn more about the project:
🔸Website: vxldollar.com
🔸Facebook: facebook.com/vxldollar
🔸Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/vxl-dollar/