Voltnobi has been listed on P2PB2B
VOLTZ is available on our exchange.
🔸Trading pairs: 1BVOLTZ/ETH
Voltnobi is a meme token at heart, but we pride ourselves on our utility and safety vision. We’re not trying to re-invent the wheel, but we are trying to improve it.
VOLTZ has a fixed supply of 100 Trillion tokens.
Every buy & sell is subject to a 6% tax which is broken down as follows:
• 1% Burn
• 1% Raijin’s Vault
• 2% Development/Marketing
• 1% Liquidity
• 1% Reflections
Max transaction is set to 0.3% and Max wallet will be capped at 3%.
Our belief is that crypto is here to stay and by offering innovative services this will drive our success for years to come.
📌Please, pay attention:
1BVOLTZ is an original VOLTZ token.
1BVOLTZ = 1 000 000 VOLTZ
It means that if you deposit 24 000 000 VOLTZ to your account, you receive 24 1BVOLTZ.
Learn more about the project:
🔸Website: voltnobi.com