Crypto news 2024 P2B

P2PB2B Emergency Insurance Fund

P2PB2B Emergency Insurance Fund

23 Aug 2021
P2B Emergency Insurance Reserve

P2PB2B Emergency Insurance Fund is an emergency insurance capital that was established by the P2PB2B Exchange about four years ago. Its mission is to protect P2PB2B users in case of any hacks or security breaches.

The P2PB2B Emergency Insurance Fund is sufficient to cover necessary additional expenses incurred in case of hacker attacks or another emergency, including insurance for all cold and hot exchange wallets. 

The reserve wallets comprise ETH and USDT (based on  ETH та BSC networks). The Insurance Fund’s wallet addresses can be found here and here.

The Emergency Insurance Fund amount is based on the calculation of user count and their needs. This amount is constantly increasing due to the growth in the number of P2PB2B users.

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