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Hold Tiamond NFT and Earn 1 Million TIA

Hold Tiamond NFT and Earn 1 Million TIA

03 Oct 2022

What is Tiamonds?

Tiamonds is the largest blockchain-powered marketplace for diamonds NFTs worldwide.

Users can easily buy, trade and hold non-fungible tokens (NFT) which are fully asset backed by real-world diamonds. All diamonds are physically stored in a high-security vault in Liechtenstein and are insured by Lloyd’s London. Each NFT owner gets 1 Million $TIA Token as rewards in the “Own-To-Earn” model.

The Tiamonds project includes two key elements:Tokenized Diamonds called Tiamonds and a deflationary Cryptocurrency called TIA Token.

What are Tiamonds NFTs?

Tiamonds NFTs are non-fungible tokens (NFT) representing the ownership rights of real-world Diamonds. All NFTs are 1-1 asset backed by certified Diamonds. All Diamonds are certified by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and LCX certificates. The physical diamonds are insured and stored in a secure vault in the country of Liechtenstein next to the Switzerland Alps.

Tiamonds will make tokenization known and accessible through three main tactics:

  • Showcase opportunities of tokenized assests
  • Gamify features of tokenization to educate and inform
  • Community first token economy, sustainable and fair-launch

Benefits of Tiamonds

Tiamonds use the Ethereum blockchain and the ERC721 Non-Fungible Token standard to create digital representatives of single diamonds and enable those diamond to function as a tradeable asset.

Key features of Tiamonds:

  • Asset-Backed Investment. Each Tokenized Diamond is backed 1-1 by real-world individual diamonds
  • Diamonds are NFTs. Tokenized Diamonds are NFTs and can be traded and even redeemed.
  • Rewards. Rewards of TIA Tokens over a fixed period of time.

What is TIA Token?

TIA Tokens is a community first and fairly launched DeFi Token. TIA Tokens are deflationary cryptocurrency, as the supply, decreases with time. TIA Tokens integrate three simple functions: Reflection, Rebalancing and Burn.

In every on-chain transaction a fee of 10% total is automatically taken and is split three ways:

  1. Reflection: 5% fee of every buy/transfer/sell is redistributed to all existing holders.
  2. Rebalancing: 2.5% fee of every transaction is automatically transferred into LCX token at Uniswap. The LCX Token acquired will be added to LCX’s long-term reserve.
  3. Burn: 2.5% of the TIA Tokens are burned automatically.

Tokenization makes transactions easier and simpler. Among the many other tokens in the cryptocurrency world, Tia Token emerged as a community first and has just launched the DeFi Token. due to its connection to Tiamonds, there are other use cases associated with Tia Token that help strengthen the entire LCX ecosystem.

The TIA Token enables a community-first approach and a dynamic, diverse and dedicated governance system that will actively guide the Tiamonds project into the future. It will be issued as an airdrop, can be staked on the LCX platform, and can be traded on the LCX exchange.

TIA Tokenomics

TIA Token is based on the Ethereum Blockchain and built on the ERC20 token standard.
Maximum Supply: 1,010,000,000 TIA
Total Supply: 210,000,000 TIA

The initial total supply and number of TIA Tokens will be 210 million at Genesis, the Token Generation Event (TGE), but due to the deflationary nature of the TIA Token economics, the total supply will be reduced over time. Minting and distribution of additional TIA Token is only possible in connection with the distribution of tokenized Diamonds, creation of Tiamond NFTs and the via the Own to Earn model. Decisions if or how many TIA Tokens will be minted and released will be made by the community via the Tiamonds governance framework.

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