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HashBit Blockchain

HashBit Blockchain

04 Nov 2022

What is HashBit?

HBIT is a 100% proof-of-stake cryptocurrency, constructed in Java. HBIT unique proof-of-stake algorithm does not depend on any implementation of the coin age concept used by other proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies.

What makes HashBit different from others?

HashBit is a rapidly growing open-source blockchain created in May 2021. HashBit has become one of the safest, fastest and most decentralized blockchain in existence.

  • Proof-of-Stake Consensus
    HBIT uses a pure proof-of-stake consensus protocol. Reliable and energy efficient, with minimal hardware requirements, the ingenious HBIT proof-of-stake algorithm has passed the test of time, with no successful attacks in practice since its launch in May 2021.
  • Universal Blockchain Framework
    The HBIT Blockchain software is designed as a universal framework for the ongoing distributed ledger technology transformation. Its simple but flexible architecture makes blockchain adoption eady, and can be extended to fit any public or private use case.
  • Decentralized Asset Exchange
    HBIT has a user-friendly and yet fully decentralized asset exchange. Anyone can issue and trade tokens on top of HBIT, and orders are matched and executed directly on the blockchain itself.
  • Proven Stability
    The HBIT blockchain has been live in production since May 2021 with virtually no downtime, no major bugs, and no successful exploits. Millions of HBIT transactions have been conducted reliably, establishing its reputation as one of the most secure platforms in the blockchain industry.

HBIT Token

HashBit (HBIT) is a highly scalable peer-to-peer digital currency that enables industry-leading transaction speeds with negligible fees. HashBit is the best means of making digital payments and many more.

  • Easy to use – it is absolutely simple and straightforward to use HashBit. You can send and receive HashBits using the devices you already know and love. All you need to do is log in to your HashBit wallet, then click “Scan”, scan the QR code and send HashBit.
  • Not an ICO – HashBit has never been funded through an ICO or significant amount of premined coins. There is no CEO or a company controlling the HashBit Blockchain. The founder, developers and the community are unpaid volunteers that eliminate the bankrupt risk.
  • Much faster – HashBit transactions are confirmed in approx. 30 seconds, which is 30 times faster than Bitcoin and 10 times faster than Litecoin. With virtually no limit to the number of transactions that can be processed, and the creation of blocks that decreases to a few seconds in the event of pending transactions and negligible fees make HashBit the ideal currency for daily payments.
  • Always secure – after more than 1 year, with the http API and DDOS protection, making transactions on the Blockchain is 100% safe, the Passphrase is your Private Key, keep it safe and your wallet will always be protected.
  • Proof of Stake – HashBit is a 100% Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain, the HBITs are distributed through additional rewards for those who staking and for those who keep an HBIT node running. These rewards are managed by the developers.
  • Manageable units – compared to 21 million Bitcoin, 50 billion HashBit have been designed to be ready for mass adoption. HashBit blockchain does not have block rewards just will rely on transaction fees alone.


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