DXC COIN has been listed on P2PB2B

DXC is available for trading on our exchange.
?Trading pairs: DXC/BTC, DXC/ETH, DXC/USDT
DXC COIN is designed for the commercial world with myDexChain blockchain technology. DXC COIN, which can be used as a payment system in any small or large commercial activity, has its own blockchain technology. All turnover from commercial activities is distributed to the community through smart contracts.
Learn more about the project:
?Website: mydexchain.io/#/
?Facebook: facebook.com/mydexchaintech
?Instagram: instagram.com/mydexchaintech
?Twitter: twitter.com/mydexchaintech
?Telegram Channel: t.me/myDexChainTech
?Telegram Group: t.me/mydexpay