Kounotori Token has been listed on P2PB2B
KTO is available for trading on our exchange.
?Trading pairs: KTO/USDP, KTO/BNBP
KOUNOTORI aims to level the playing field with its planned staking platform, creating a user-friendly experience for investors both big and small.
Their token, $KTO, is built on the Ethereum block chain (ERC-20) with a number of anti-manipulation features built into its contract, including a maximum buy/sell amount in any single transaction and a maximum hold amount per wallet.
The additional trading fee for sell for this pair is 10 % due to the project tokenomics.
Learn more about the project:
?Website: kounotoritoken.com
?Facebook: facebook.com/groups/kounotoritoken/
?Twitter: twitter.com/KounotoriToken