3DPass Platform

3DPass is an open source p2p platform which allows to transform a real or virtual 3D object into a strong sustainable digital identity called HASH ID and to leverage it as a digital asset, such as:
- Single non-fungible token;
- Cryptocurrency, backed by the object (fungible token);
- Password, recoverable by means of scanning the object.
HASH ID contains zero-knowledge proof of the object authenticity, so that the object itself is never going to be disclosed, unless by its owner. However, the object might be recognized by means of scanning.
The Ledger of Unique Things – what’s covered by that?
3DPass decentralized p2p network represents one layer blockchain platform, the Nodes of which will stand guard preventing assets, stored on the chain, from copy making. Even if you change the file with one dot, pixel or one byte. We call it “The Ledger of unique things”.
The platform provides the ability to create smart contracts and dApps which would be tightly tethered to something we use in life, such as: 3D objects, 2D drawings, Melodies, Radio signals, Biometrics, etc.
How does Proof of Scan consensus work?
3DPass network novel consensus Proof of Scan might be treated as a decentralized service of 3D object authentication, independently provided by one layer of equal NODEs. They will always agree upon the state of whether or not all the assets on the chain are considered original. Basically, the network can separate true objects from fakes.
Thus, miners generate random-shaped 3D objects in hope of finding the one, which would correspond to the mining rules. The Nodes will recognize those objects with Grid2d algorithm and will agree upon the best chain, containing of original ones. Commercial objects are just the same way to be processed.
The recognition takes computing power, especially, when it comes to high definition and large size objects. For that reason, 3DPass has adapted PoW kind of an idea to define block authorship. In order to encourage Node owners in their job and the network maintenance there is a minable unit named 3DPass coin.
Mobile Wallet – create, recognize, transfer
The 3D Pass created a mobile wallet which allows to verify Proof of Scan to work.
Main features:
- 3D object recognition – get 3D models processed one by one and save its snapshots until hash match is found (the object recognized), thereafter keep processing different scans/models of the same object until the stable hash is found (the HASH ID created)
- Light wallet functions – “The Ledger of Things” mobile light client is designed to help you enjoy P3D transfers safely and have your balanses on the smartphone. Connect the wallet to any WSS RPC/API endpoint available to fetch some information or make a transfer.
- Proof of Scan verification demo – using the mobile app, 3D Pass will check the 3D object from the specific block. The platform will change the coordinates, as a result of which, a potential copy of the asset will be created with the preservation of the shape. Thus, the fake will be recognized, and the original asset will be protected.
These are the most important features related to 3DPass distributed ledger:
- Decentralized, open source, self governed and community supported p2p network;
- Proof of Scan consensus based on 3D object recognition technology;
- Ownership rights borders of assets are defined by the recognition algorithm and decidedly proved by math calculations;
- 3DP coin mineable;
- Fair launch
- 3D objects authenticity check providing by NODEs;
- Ability to expand recognition with 2D drawings, Melodies, Radio signals, Biometrics, etc.
- Substrate-based and scalable solution: IPFS storage, Smart contracts, etc.
How would you use 3DPass coin?
3DPass opens the gateway for the whole cryptocurrency market to potentially trillions in deals all over the globe. Now you can transform real and virtual objects into recognizable digital assets and leverage them within smart contracts and deals, business logic and private apps.
The recognition of objects shape combined with its additional properties (size, weight, density, clarity, owner’s biometric data, etc.) allows for developers to produce a unique sustainable identity called Hash ID, which is revolutionary different to conventional NFT we are used to hearing so much recently. Because of the novel Proof of Scan consensus providing objects authenticity check, you can use it as a single non-fungible token or mint the private backed currency the unit of which would be an object’s quantum (1 token = gramm, kilogramm, square meter, etc.).